एक हालिया घोषणा के अनुसार प्रतिवेदन eMarketer द्वारा फेसबुक जेन Z उपयोगकर्ताओं के बीच पुनरुत्थान का अनुभव कर रहा है, जबकि टिकटॉक बेबी बूमर्स के बीच लोकप्रियता हासिल कर रहा है।
इन परिवर्तनों के बावजूद, दोनों प्लेटफ़ॉर्म एक स्थिर कोर उपयोगकर्ता आधार बनाए रखते हैं।
फेसबुक का जेन जेड पुनर्जागरण
समग्र गिरावट के बावजूद फेसबुक जेन जेड से अप्रत्याशित वृद्धि देखता है। अमेरिका में यूजर्स की संख्या बढ़ने की उम्मीद है 49.0% (33.9 मिलियन) 2024 तक 56.9% (40.5 मिलियन) 2028 तक।
प्रमुख घटक:
- फ़ायदा: इवेंट प्लानिंग, आला समूह और बाज़ार युवा उपयोगकर्ताओं को आकर्षित करते हैं।
- प्रदर्शन बदलाव: ~36% जेनरेशन Z अभी भी 18 वर्ष से कम उम्र का है, कई लोगों ने अभी-अभी सोशल मीडिया के दायरे में प्रवेश किया है।
मजबूत ई-कॉमर्स क्षमता: 75.0% जेन जेड फेसबुक उपयोगकर्ताओं (15-26) ने पिछले साल मार्केटप्लेस पर खरीदारी की।
हालाँकि, जेनरेशन Z अभी भी उपयोगकर्ताओं की संख्या और प्लेटफॉर्म पर बिताए गए समय के मामले में जेनरेशन X और मिलेनियल्स से पीछे है। दिलचस्प बात यह है कि 55 वर्ष से कम उम्र के उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए फेसबुक पर समय कम हो रहा है, जो युवा पीढ़ी के मंच के साथ बातचीत करने के तरीके में बदलाव का संकेत देता है।
टिकटॉक का बूम बूम
टिकटॉक का जेन ज़ेड बाज़ार संतृप्त है, लेकिन इसमें बूमर्स के बीच आश्चर्यजनक वृद्धि देखी जा रही है।
अनुमान दिखाते हैं ए 10.5% अगले वर्ष अमेरिका में बूमर उपयोगकर्ताओं की संख्या 8.7 मिलियन से बढ़कर 9.7 मिलियन हो जाएगी।
यह मामूली वृद्धि उन वयस्कों के लिए टिकटॉक की पहुंच और अपील को रेखांकित करती है जो सांस्कृतिक रूप से प्रासंगिक बने रहना चाहते हैं और छोटे रिश्तेदारों के साथ जुड़े रहना चाहते हैं।
जबकि बूमर्स सबसे तेजी से बढ़ने वाले जनसांख्यिकीय हैं, टिकटॉक को अपनाने की दर पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी लगातार बढ़ रही है, जो मंच की व्यापक अपील को दर्शाता है।
सोशल मीडिया परिदृश्य बदल रहा है
जेन ज़ेड को छोड़कर सभी पीढ़ियों में फेसबुक के उपयोग में गिरावट जारी है, जो सोशल मीडिया पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र में प्लेटफ़ॉर्म की विकसित भूमिका को उजागर करता है।
यह प्रवृत्ति, पुराने उपयोगकर्ताओं के बीच टिकटॉक की वृद्धि के साथ, सोशल मीडिया के उपयोग में पीढ़ीगत रेखाओं के धुंधले होने का सुझाव देती है। ऐसे प्लेटफ़ॉर्म जो अपनी मूल अपील को बनाए रखते हुए उपयोगकर्ता जनसांख्यिकी में बदलाव के अनुकूल हो सकते हैं, दीर्घकालिक सफलता के लिए सर्वोत्तम स्थिति में होंगे।
विपणक के लिए निहितार्थ
प्लेटफ़ॉर्म और उपयोगकर्ता लगातार बदल रहे हैं। ब्रांडों को अनुकूलन करना होगा या प्रतिस्पर्धियों के सामने अपनी पकड़ खोने का जोखिम उठाना होगा।
टिकटोक की बढ़ती वृद्धि ने पुराने जनसांख्यिकीय को लक्षित करने वाले ब्रांडों के लिए नए रास्ते खोल दिए हैं, लेकिन विपणक को प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के बड़े पैमाने पर युवा उपयोगकर्ता आधार के बारे में जागरूक होने की आवश्यकता है।
फेसबुक विपणक के लिए, बढ़ता जेन जेड उपयोगकर्ता आधार नए अवसर प्रस्तुत करता है, खासकर मार्केटप्लेस के माध्यम से ई-कॉमर्स में। हालाँकि, प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर बिताए गए समय को कम करने का मतलब है कि सामग्री को अधिक आकर्षक और केंद्रित बनाने की आवश्यकता है।
एक्शन आइटम्स:
- लेखापरीक्षा रणनीति: विभिन्न आयु समूहों और प्लेटफार्मों पर सामग्री की अपील की जाँच करें।
- विविधता: ब्रांड पहचान बनाए रखते हुए विभिन्न जनसांख्यिकी के लिए बहुआयामी रणनीतियाँ बनाएं।
- उत्तोलन सर्जरी: आयु समूह के अनुसार सहभागिता पर नज़र रखें और रणनीति समायोजित करें।
- परीक्षण करें और अनुकूलन करें: प्रत्येक प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के लिए सामग्री और संदेश प्रारूपों के साथ प्रयोग करें।
- आधुनिक जानकारी से परिपूर्ण रहो: प्लेटफ़ॉर्म अपडेट और जनसांख्यिकीय रुझानों को ट्रैक करें।
उपयोगकर्ता की जनसांख्यिकी और प्राथमिकताएँ बदलने पर लचीले रहें और रणनीतियों को अपडेट करें।
जो ब्रांड प्लेटफ़ॉर्म-विशिष्ट मानदंडों का सम्मान करते हुए पीढ़ियों तक पहुंच सकते हैं, उन्हें इस बदलते परिदृश्य में सबसे अधिक सफलता मिलने की संभावना है।
यहां से स्क्रीनशॉट: आधा अंक/शटरस्टॉक
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
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Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
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