मंगलवार, सितम्बर 10, 2024

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Google का वेब क्रॉलर जावास्क्रिप्ट को प्रस्तुत करने के लिए “निष्क्रिय” होने का नाटक करता है

सर्च ऑफ द रिकॉर्ड पॉडकास्ट के नवीनतम एपिसोड में, यह पता चला कि Google का रेंडरिंग सिस्टम अब कुछ जावास्क्रिप्ट घटनाओं को ट्रिगर करने और वेब पेज रेंडरिंग को बेहतर बनाने के लिए “निष्क्रिय” होने का नाटक कर रहा है।

पॉडकास्ट में Google की रेंडरिंग टीम से ज़ो क्लिफ़ोर्ड शामिल हैं, जो चर्चा करते हैं कि कंपनी के वेब क्रॉलर जावास्क्रिप्ट-आधारित वेबसाइटों से कैसे निपटते हैं।

यह खुलासा उन वेब डेवलपर्स के लिए जानकारीपूर्ण है जो सामग्री लोडिंग में देरी करने के लिए ऐसे तरीकों का उपयोग करते हैं।

Google की “निष्क्रिय” चाल

Googlebot रेंडरिंग के दौरान “निष्क्रिय” स्थिति का अनुकरण करता है, जो requestIdleCallback जैसी जावास्क्रिप्ट घटनाओं को ट्रिगर करता है।

डेवलपर्स इस फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग कम महत्वपूर्ण सामग्री को लोड करने में देरी करने के लिए करते हैं जब तक कि ब्राउज़र अन्य कार्यों से मुक्त न हो जाए।

इस परिवर्तन से पहले, Google की रेंडरिंग प्रक्रिया इतनी कुशल थी कि ब्राउज़र हमेशा सक्रिय रहता था, जिसके कारण कुछ साइटें महत्वपूर्ण सामग्री लोड करने में विफल रहती थीं।

क्लिफोर्ड ने समझाया:

“एक निश्चित लोकप्रिय वीडियो साइट थी जिसका मैं नाम नहीं बताऊंगा… जिसने requestIdleCallback सक्रिय होने तक सभी पृष्ठ सामग्री को लोड करने में देरी की।”

चूँकि ब्राउज़र कभी भी सक्रिय नहीं रहा है, इसलिए यह ईवेंट सक्रिय नहीं होगा, जिससे पृष्ठ का अधिकांश भाग ठीक से लोड नहीं हो पाएगा।

रेंडरिंग को बेहतर बनाने के लिए नकली निष्क्रिय समय

Google ने एक ऐसी प्रणाली लागू की है जहां ब्राउज़र समय-समय पर सक्रिय होने का दिखावा करता है, भले ही वह पृष्ठों को संसाधित करने में व्यस्त हो।

यह ट्यूनिंग सुनिश्चित करती है कि निष्क्रिय कॉलबैक सही ढंग से सक्रिय हो जाएं, जिससे पेजों को अनुक्रमण के लिए अपनी सामग्री को पूरी तरह से लोड करने की अनुमति मिल सके।

त्रुटियों से निपटने का महत्व

क्लिफोर्ड ने डेवलपर्स के जावास्क्रिप्ट कोड में शानदार त्रुटि प्रबंधन को लागू करने के महत्व पर जोर दिया।

हैंडल न की गई त्रुटियों के कारण पृष्ठ खाली हो सकते हैं, पुनर्निर्देशन हो सकता है, या सामग्री गायब हो सकती है और अनुक्रमण पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ सकता है।

उसने सलाह दी:

“यदि कोई त्रुटि है, तो मैं उसे यथासंभव शालीनता से संभालने का प्रयास करता हूं…वेब विकास कठिन काम है।”

इसका क्या मतलब है?

वेब डेवलपर्स के लिए निहितार्थ

  • सुंदर त्रुटि प्रबंधन: सुंदर त्रुटि प्रबंधन को लागू करने से यह सुनिश्चित होता है कि पेज इच्छित तरीके से लोड होते हैं, भले ही कुछ कोड तत्व विफल हो जाएं।
  • निष्क्रिय कॉलों का सावधानीपूर्वक उपयोग: जबकि Google ने निष्क्रिय कॉलबैक को संभालने के लिए अनुकूलित किया है, इन कार्यों पर अत्यधिक निर्भरता से सावधान रहें।

एसईओ पेशेवरों के लिए निहितार्थ

  • निगरानी एवं परीक्षण: खोज दृश्यता को प्रभावित करने वाली रेंडरिंग समस्याओं की पहचान करने के लिए नियमित साइट निगरानी और परीक्षण लागू करें।
  • डेवलपर्स का सहयोग: उपयोगकर्ता-अनुकूल और खोज इंजन-अनुकूल वेबसाइट बनाने के लिए अपनी विकास टीम के साथ सहयोग करें।
  • लगातार सीखना: खोज इंजन जावास्क्रिप्ट को कैसे संभालते हैं, वेब पेज प्रस्तुत करते हैं और सामग्री का मूल्यांकन कैसे करते हैं, नवीनतम विकास और सर्वोत्तम प्रथाओं पर अद्यतित रहें।

यह सभी देखें: Google खोज के लिए सभी पृष्ठों को प्रस्तुत करता है, जिसमें जावास्क्रिप्ट-सघन साइटें भी शामिल हैं

प्रसंस्करण संबंधी अन्य मुद्दों पर चर्चा की गई

चर्चा में रेंडरिंग से संबंधित अन्य मुद्दों पर भी चर्चा हुई, जैसे उपयोगकर्ता एजेंटों की पहचान करने और जावास्क्रिप्ट रीडायरेक्ट को संभालने से उत्पन्न चुनौतियाँ।

संपूर्ण पॉडकास्ट वेब रेंडरिंग और पृष्ठों के सटीक मूल्यांकन के लिए Google द्वारा उठाए गए कदमों के बारे में बहुमूल्य अंतर्दृष्टि प्रदान करता है।

यह सभी देखें: Google खोज के लिए सभी पृष्ठों को प्रस्तुत करता है, जिसमें जावास्क्रिप्ट-सघन साइटें भी शामिल हैं

विशेष रुप से प्रदर्शित छवि: फ़िज़केस/शटरस्टॉक

Wasim Ibn Kamal | founder of iseotools.me, newslike.site and healtinfo.space | A developer and UI/UX designer. Cluster-notes.blogspot.com and tsbdu.blogspot.com are two of my blogs.

21 टिप्पणी

  1. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  2. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  3. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  4. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  5. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  6. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  7. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  8. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  9. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  10. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  11. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  12. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  13. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  14. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  15. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  16. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

  17. Your innovative approach and clear writing provide an excellent foundation. By implementing these suggestions, you can transform your solid work into an exceptional piece that resonates deeply with a professional audience and makes a significant contribution to your field. Your commitment to excellence is evident, and with these refinements, you will further establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. I look forward to seeing your continued growth and the impressive results of your efforts.

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