Google ने एक वीडियो जारी किया जिसमें Google रुझानों में पाँच अंतर्दृष्टियाँ सामने आईं जो SEO, विषय अनुसंधान और खोज रैंकिंग मुद्दों को डीबग करने में सहायक हो सकती हैं। वीडियो का निर्देशन Google खोज वकील डैनियल वीज़बर्ग द्वारा किया गया था।
1. गूगल ट्रेंड्स क्या ऑफर करता है?
Google Trends Google द्वारा बनाया गया एक आधिकारिक टूल है जो दर्शाता है कि लोग कितनी बार कुछ प्रमुख वाक्यांशों के साथ खोज करते हैं और समय के साथ वे खोजें कैसे बदल गई हैं। यह न केवल खोज क्वेरी में समय-आधारित परिवर्तनों का पता लगाने के लिए उपयोगी है, बल्कि यह भौगोलिक लोकप्रियता के आधार पर क्वेरी को विभाजित भी करता है, जो यह सीखने के लिए उपयोगी है कि सामग्री को किसे लक्षित करना है (या यह भी सीखना है कि कौन से भौगोलिक क्षेत्र से लिंक प्राप्त करना सबसे अच्छा है)।
इस प्रकार की जानकारी डिबगिंग के लिए अमूल्य है कि किसी साइट पर ऑर्गेनिक ट्रैफ़िक की समस्या क्यों हो सकती है क्योंकि यह मौसमी और उपभोक्ता रुझान दिखा सकती है।
2. Google Trends केवल डेटा के नमूने का उपयोग करता है
गूगल ट्रेंड्स के बारे में वैसबर्ग द्वारा साझा किया गया एक महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य यह है कि गूगल ट्रेंड्स द्वारा रिपोर्ट किया गया डेटा वास्तविक खोज क्वेरी के सांख्यिकीय रूप से महत्वपूर्ण लेकिन यादृच्छिक नमूने पर आधारित है।
उसने कहा:
“Google ट्रेंड्स एक उपकरण है जो एकत्रित, अनाम और वर्गीकृत Google खोजों का एक यादृच्छिक नमूना प्रदान करता है।”
इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि डेटा कम सटीक है। भाषण आंकड़ों की दृष्टि से महत्वपूर्ण इसका मतलब है कि डेटा वास्तविक खोज क्वेरी का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।
Google द्वारा नमूने का उपयोग करने का कारण यह है कि उनके पास बड़ी मात्रा में डेटा है और वास्तविक रुझानों का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले नमूनों के साथ काम करना बहुत तेज़ है।
3. Google ट्रेंड डेटा में शोर को साफ़ करता है
डेनियल वीसबर्ग ने यह भी कहा कि Google उपयोगकर्ता की गोपनीयता से संबंधित शोर और डेटा को हटाने के लिए डेटा को साफ़ करता है।
“खोज क्वेरी डेटा को डेटा में शोर को दूर करने और उपयोगकर्ता की गोपनीयता से समझौता करने वाली किसी भी चीज़ को हटाने के लिए संसाधित किया जाता है।”
निजी डेटा का एक उदाहरण जो दिया गया है वह लोगों का पूरा नाम है। डेटा में “शोर” का एक उदाहरण एक ही व्यक्ति द्वारा बार-बार की गई खोज क्वेरी है, अंडे को कैसे उबालें, इसके लिए एक तुच्छ खोज के उदाहरण का उपयोग करके, जिसे एक व्यक्ति हर सुबह तैयार करता है।
लोगों द्वारा खोज क्वेरी को दोहराने के बारे में वह आखिरी बात दिलचस्प है क्योंकि एसईओ के शुरुआती दिनों में, Google ट्रेंड्स के अस्तित्व में आने से पहले, एसईओ ओवरचर के सार्वजनिक कीवर्ड वॉल्यूम टूल (याहू के स्वामित्व में) का उपयोग करते थे। कुछ एसईओ ने उपयोगकर्ताओं द्वारा शायद ही कभी पूछे जाने वाले कीवर्ड वाक्यांशों के लिए हजारों खोज करके डेटा को विषाक्त कर दिया है, जिससे प्रश्नों की मात्रा बढ़ गई है ताकि प्रतिस्पर्धी बेकार कीवर्ड को अनुकूलित करने पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकें।
4. क्या Google, Google रुझान डेटा को सामान्य बनाता है?
Google वास्तविक खोज क्वेरी मात्रा को एक क्वेरी के लिए प्रति दिन 1 मिलियन क्वेरी और दूसरी क्वेरी के लिए प्रति दिन 200,000 क्वेरी के रूप में नहीं दिखाता है। इसके बजाय Google उस बिंदु को चुनेगा जहां कीवर्ड वाक्यांश सबसे अधिक खोजा जाता है और उसे 100% चिह्न के रूप में उपयोग करेगा और फिर Google रुझान ग्राफ़ को उस शिखर से जुड़े प्रतिशत के अनुसार समायोजित करेगा। इसलिए यदि किसी क्वेरी को प्रति दिन प्राप्त होने वाली अधिकतम खोजें 1 मिलियन हैं, तो जिस दिन कोई खोज 500,000 बार की गई थी, उसे ग्राफ़ में 50% के रूप में दिखाया जाएगा। इसका मतलब है कि Google रुझान डेटा सामान्यीकृत है।
5. खोज क्वेरी और विषयों पर शोध करें
SEO ने 25 वर्षों से अधिक समय से कीवर्ड के अनुकूलन पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया है। लेकिन Google लंबे समय से कीवर्ड से आगे बढ़ चुका है और दस्तावेज़ों को विषयों के अनुसार टैग कर रहा है और यहां तक कि उन प्रश्नों के अनुसार भी टैग कर रहा है जिनसे वे प्रासंगिक हैं (जो कीवर्ड की तुलना में विषयों को अधिक संदर्भित करता है)।
इसीलिए मुझे लगता है कि सबसे उपयोगी सुझावों में से एक खोज क्वेरी इकाई से संबंधित विषय का पता लगाने की क्षमता है। विषय अन्वेषण सभी संबंधित कीवर्ड की क्वेरी मात्रा दिखाता है।
एक्सप्लोर बाय टॉपिक टूल निश्चित रूप से एक अधिक सटीक विचार प्रदान करता है कि कोई विषय कितना लोकप्रिय है, जो महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि Google के एल्गोरिदम, मशीन लर्निंग सिस्टम और कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता मॉडल वाक्य, पैराग्राफ और दस्तावेज़ स्तरों पर सामग्री का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं जो मेल खाते हैं। विषय। मेरा मानना है कि जब Googlers मुख्य विषयगत प्रणालियों के बारे में बात करते हैं तो वे इसी चीज़ का उल्लेख करते हैं।
वीज़बर्ग ने समझाया:
“अब, एक्सप्लोर पेज पर वापस जाएं। आप देखेंगे कि कभी-कभी, खोज शब्द के अलावा, आपको एक विषय चुनने का विकल्प दिया जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए, जब आप “कैपुचीनो” टाइप करते हैं, तो आप सटीक शब्द चुन सकते हैं “कैप्पुकिनो” या विषय “कैप्पुकिनो कॉफ़ी पियें” के लिए खोज शब्द, जो खोज शब्दों का सेट है जो एक ही इकाई को संदर्भित करता है, इसमें सटीक शब्द के साथ-साथ गलत वर्तनी भी शामिल होगी, और इसमें सभी को शामिल किया गया है भाषाएँ, जो बहुत उपयोगी हो सकती हैं, विशेषकर वैश्विक डेटा को देखते समय।
विषयों का उपयोग करते हुए, आप अपनी रुचियों से असंबंधित शब्दों को शामिल करने से भी बचते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आप अल्फाबेट के रुझान देख रहे हैं, तो हो सकता है कि आप अल्फाबेट इंक थीम चुनना चाहें। यदि आप केवल “वर्णमाला” टाइप करते हैं, तो रुझान में कई अन्य अर्थ भी शामिल होंगे, जैसा कि आप इस उदाहरण में देख सकते हैं।
बड़ी तस्वीर
इस वीडियो में सामने आए दिलचस्प तथ्यों में से एक यह है कि Google सामान्यीकृत वास्तविक खोज रुझान नहीं दिखाता है, यह वास्तविक खोज रुझानों का एक सामान्यीकृत “सांख्यिकीय रूप से महत्वपूर्ण” नमूना दिखाता है। सांख्यिकीय रूप से महत्वपूर्ण नमूना एक ऐसा नमूना है जिसमें यादृच्छिक मौका कोई कारक नहीं है और इसलिए वास्तविक खोज रुझानों का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।
ध्यान देने योग्य दूसरा पक्ष यह अनुस्मारक है कि Google रुझान विषयों की खोज के लिए उपयोगी है, जो मुझे लगता है कि Google सुझाव और लोग भी पूछते हैं (पीएए) डेटा से कहीं अधिक उपयोगी है।
मैंने इस बात के प्रमाण देखे हैं कि Google सुझाव और PAA डेटा के साथ लापरवाही से अनुकूलन करने से कोई साइट ऐसी दिख सकती है जैसे वह लोगों के बजाय खोज इंजनों के लिए अनुकूलन कर रही है, जिसके विरुद्ध Google विशेष रूप से चेतावनी देता है। Google के हालिया अपडेट से प्रभावित लोगों को कीवर्ड के संबंध में अपनी SEO प्रथाओं के निहितार्थ के बारे में ध्यान से सोचना चाहिए।
विषयों की खोज और अनुकूलन सांख्यिकीय एसईओ पदचिह्नों से पीछे नहीं रहेंगे क्योंकि विषय-आधारित सामग्री की प्रामाणिकता हमेशा चमकती रहेगी।
Google रुझान वीडियो देखें:
Google रुझान डेटा का परिचय
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Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
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Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
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Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your article is really good, i read it completely and its well written and covered most of the details. Your work is truly impressive and shows great promise. With some strategic enhancements, this foundation could become a groundbreaking contribution that pushes the field forward and solidifies your reputation as an industry leader. Keep up the excellent work! your blog is very clearly written and i really enjoy reading it. keep up the good work
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
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Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
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Thank you for sharing this insightful post! Your writing is clear, informative, and engaging. I appreciate how you’ve broken down complex concepts into easily digestible parts. It’s evident that you have a deep understanding of the topic, and your tips are practical and actionable. I particularly liked the way you addressed [specific point from the article], as it resonated with my own experiences. This kind of content is invaluable for readers looking to expand their knowledge and apply new strategies effectively. Looking forward to reading more from you. Keep up the excellent work!
Thank you for sharing this insightful post! Your writing is clear, informative, and engaging. I appreciate how you’ve broken down complex concepts into easily digestible parts. It’s evident that you have a deep understanding of the topic, and your tips are practical and actionable. I particularly liked the way you addressed [specific point from the article], as it resonated with my own experiences. This kind of content is invaluable for readers looking to expand their knowledge and apply new strategies effectively. Looking forward to reading more from you. Keep up the excellent work!